Thursday, 9 May 2013

Italia: Lucca

We love Lucca!

First night of cocktails

Greasiest (apparently best) pizza I've ever seen!

Man, cigar and his dog

a couple. . . of friends

 . . . of conversationalists

. . . of dog lovers

 . . . of long loves

. . . of longer loves

. . . on a tandem!

For those who know Lucca, it may bring back many fond memories from our Music tour in 2008, it did for me! For those who don't, Lucca is a beautiful little city about an hour West of Florence, surrounded by high walls and rolling Tuscan hillside.

It was here in Lucca that we established our 'Italian lifestyle'. Proscuitto, cheese and pineapple juice followed by a quick kip then cocktails, dinner and gelati whilst wandering the streets.

We spent our second day walking across the city and then around the top of the wall. The wall is about 4km in circumference and rises high above the entire city, giving beautiful views of the architecture, squares and people within walls, and the mountains, castles and green hills outside of them.

My favourite part of the day was watching all of the other people who were out on this adventure. There were locals exercising and walking their dogs, groups of old men playing checkers and cards and mossy garden tables, and couples, lots and lots of couples.

On our last morning we had quite the adventure when we attempted to tandem around the walls! We looked like something out of the goon squad trying to get started and the laughing didn't seem to subside for more than 5 minutes for the entire journey but we had a great, somewhat painful, time.

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